Upcoming Meeting Dates:
January 9th
January 23rd
February 6th
From 6:30-8:30 PM

A message from your group leader

Hello! I’m excited to share information about the new support group coming to Grace. “Gathering Of Hope”

My name is Jessie Utley.  I have been coming to Grace Christian for about two years. Faithfully for about a year. 

My husband & I started attending Grace Christian shortly after we moved to Kendallville. We were baptized together in the pond on Aug. 21, 2022. The next day, I was attacked by the enemy. Scared of what was happening, I decided to stay clear of anything related to faith. But God didn’t give up on me. It was almost like he was continuously tapping me on the shoulder, reminding me that something bigger was in the future! Soon, it will all make sense. 

After my Father’s passing, I felt lost beyond my control. I started attending Bible study on Tuesday nights and Alpha on Wednesday nights. These groups changed my life forever. I was able to be vulnerable. I felt safe asking the questions you often have when you are new in faith. My trust grew, and my faith grew more than I ever realized was possible! Things were starting to make sense!

You see, Since birth, I have been surrounded by addiction. Both of my parents were alcoholics. Every friend I ever had had an addiction of some sort. Also, my husband is a recovering opiate addict. I spent some time angry. I did not understand why this was always happening around me in my entire life, yet I have never had an addiction of my own. 

It wasn’t until a few months ago, at a combined meeting between women’s & men’s bible study, that it hit me. My husband & I started sharing our 15-year struggle during his addiction to our 18-year marriage. We were sharing to comfort people who were struggling in similar situations. This moment knocked the wind out of me. It brought me to tears. It wasn’t just a tap on the shoulder anymore. It was a warm embrace of, “Do you get it now”? God had shown me in that very moment in the basement of our church. This is what it all was for. And this is how you can help! 

So, with some research on our community, I realized that there weren’t any support groups for people who have loved ones suffering from addiction. Sometimes, it can be easily overlooked how tired & worn out people can be when addiction has entered their homes. People don’t always even know who to talk to or have a safe place to turn to when this happens. 

The Gathering Of Hope support group will be just that! Grace is my safe place. We want it to be yours too! A place you can come to vent in any way you need to to get through the next step of this journey. Even if all you need is a hug! Anyone is welcome to attend. (Even your loved one who is suffering from addiction) This group is free to participate in, no matter where you are in your faith! We will meet in our church basement every other Thursday from 6:30 pm-8 pm. (I am willing to stay longer for anyone needing more support.)  I will open with the scripture of encouragement & prayer. At this time, I will open the floor to give people a chance to talk & get out what they might need to get off their chest. When asked, I will provide you with direction on the next steps in the process of addiction that could work. I would like to be clear: I am not a counselor. Nor should this replace any professional counseling. 

This is just a safe place where we can lean on each other & get through this together with Jesus on our side!

I look forward to meeting you! 


About Your Group Leaders
Dustin and Jessie Utley started attending Grace Christian Church in the summer of 2022. They were baptized together at the outdoor baptism on August 21st, 2022. Dustin jumped right into faith, Bible studies, and small groups. Jessie didn’t feel as though she could. She had so many questions.

When she attended a group called Alpha at GCC with Dustin, she realized that her questions were okay to be asked. Who is God? Why do we pray? How do you pray? What is the reason for all of this? Why have I always been surrounded by addiction?

Because of this small group, she was able to open up & build a relationship with God. From there, she started attending small groups. One night, Dustin & Jessie started sharing their story. In the 19 years of their marriage, 15 of those years were with Dustin having an opioid addiction. How that overtook their family & almost destroyed their family.

For the first time, Jessie looked over & saw the beautiful change God had made in Dustin’s life. It was then that she felt God’s loving embrace with answers. “This is why this is your work in my kingdom. This is how you can help. This is what it was all for.

Gathering Of Hope is a support group that recognizes that people in addiction have loved ones who also need support.

With Jesus on our side, we can get through this together!

Local Resources (46755)


In case of an immediate emergency, please call (911) Call emergency services immediately if you or a loved one is in immediate danger, posing a danger to others, or having a serious medical emergency. Immediate danger includes actively planning to commit suicide. In all 92 Indiana counties you can text into 911 by putting “911” as the recipient and putting the emergency and location in the text message. Remember, the best way to ask someone if they are having thoughts of suicide or actively considering taking their own life is to ask it bluntly. Do not avoid the word or topic, and take their response seriously.

Suicide Prevention Hotline: Dial (988) to speak with crisis support. The Suicide Prevention Hotline is available 24 hours a day. You can call in, text in, or visit their website to chat with a representative. This service is free and confidential but does not replace professional medical counseling.

Domestic Abuse Hotline: Call (800) 799-7233, text “BEGIN” to 88788, or chat on their website to find confidential support 24/7. The Domestic Abuse Hotline can help you identify abuse, access local resources, and create a safety plan.

Noble House Ministries provides care for women and women with children going through homelessness, domestic violence, and/or addiction. For help, please call 260-636-7160

Hickory Recovery Network offers detox treatment, inpatient and outpatient care, and individual and group counseling. It accepts most forms of insurance and can be reached at 800-604-2117.

Allendale Treatment offers detox treatment, inpatient and outpatient care, and counseling. It also provides intervention assistance free of charge for those who qualify. They can assist those who are hesitant or refusing treatment to come to terms and accept the help they need. Call 833-338-6946 on the intervention team or 833-705-0751

Serenity House, Inc. provides transitional living for addicts who are ready to make a change, be part of their recovery, and are open-minded to the nature of the help provided. Serenity House assists men and women across eight houses across North Eastern Indiana. For more information, call 260-927-8902.

Inspiration Ministries offers residential recovery, counseling, and employability training. Inspiration Ministries also offers small-group Bible studies and is partnered with many other organizations across the Noble County area. For more information, call 260-226-2347.
For more information or have the group leader reach out to you, please email us at info@gcckendallville.com