New Here?

We meet every Sunday at 9 & 11 am at 126 E Mitchell St, Kendallville, IN 46755.

  • How should I dress?
  • What are the services like?
  • What about my kids?
How should I dress?
How should I dress?

Come as you are. We hope you will find a comfortable environment where you can be yourself. No matter if you are in jeans or business casual, you will find people dressed like you at Living Creek. Take a look around. There are married couples, singles, young people, older people, professionals, laborers, stay-at-home moms – each with a unique life story, just like you. Come and check things out on your terms.

What are the services like?
What are the services like?

Our in-person and online services usually last around 65 minutes. The service begins with a contemporary worship service with a variety of instruments on stage including guitar, drums, bass and keys. On most weekends the teaching is done by Pastor Chris Mosley. Our goal is to provide Bible-based, relevant messages that apply to your everyday life.

What about my kids?
What about my kids?

At our 11 AM in-person weekend service, children from birth – 5th grade are invited to K-town (our children's ministry) where they can learn about Jesus on their level. Children are invited to sit with you at our 9:00 AM in-person weekend service. Middle & high school aged students are invited to sit with you for the weekend worship services.

Have other Questions?

You can always call the office at (260) 347-3923, reach out to one of the pastors or greeters at our in-person services, or fill out a connection card.

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