In The Community

At GCC, we look to six themes found throughout Scripture to guide our local outreach ministry. As we partner with new and existing ministries and organizations, we ensure that they are passionate about these biblical themes.

Freedom for the Oppressed - We will do everything in our power to fight for the oppressed and vulnerable around our community. This includes, but is not limited to: trafficking victims, homeless, vulnerable children, widows, those imprisoned and those in poverty. 


Evangelism - In order to grow the Church, evangelism is vital. This may take many forms but we will do everything in our power to reach those far from God.


Church Planting - We want to be involved in planting churches and helping others plant churches because we believe that God uses the local church to reach people.

Service - We will be a people who run to serve others because we know Jesus called us to that. At GCC we do this through initiatives like monthly outreach meals & our “Feed The Need” cooking ministry. These two ministries alone provided over a thousand meals last year to people in our community.


Community - At GCC, it is important for us to partner with local ministries (especially those in Noble County) who are doing work that we cannot do on our own because of location, demographics and culture.


Prayer - Without prayer none of this is possible. We commit to being a prayer focused congregation. We will pray for people within our own communities

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Quid, si non sensus modo ei sit datus, verum etiam animus hominis? Nec vero sum nescius esse utilitatem in historia, non modo voluptatem. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Tum ille timide vel potius verecunde: Facio, inquit.

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